My Small Animal Management Class (7th period) is starting a pet supply drive for the Lytle Animal Shelter. They are needing items such as pee pads, food (both cat and dog), treats (both cat and dog), blankets, toys, leashes, etc. The shelter has requested that we DO NOT donate newspapers as they cause more harm than good. The class has asked that students bring donations to their 5th period class and the class that has collected the most supplies (items) will receive a pizza party. The SAM class will be buying the pizza on their own because they feel so strongly about it. The last day to donate will be January 31, 2014.
If you could please help support this cause, and remind your classes that would be greatly appreciated! They will also be taking monetary donations and every $1.00 collected will count as one item collected!
Jill Tomlinson-Thompson
Lytle High School
Agriculture Science-Animal Science
FFA Advisor