Welcome back, Josiah Aguinaga.

At Lytle ISD we enjoy a tradition of Sirens-and-Spirit escorts for our school teams as they leave town for the highest-level competitions and when they return with awards. Our Lytle Police Department as well as Medina County and Atascosa County Sheriffs work together with our Lytle Mayor Ruben Gonzalez to make these special recognitions happen. This time, one of our Littlest Pirates, Primary student Josiah Aguinaga received a very special escort for his first day back to school after receiving liver and kidney transplants this past summer. Even Bexar County showed up to help with this one! Thank you to all who helped to make this day so wonderful for Josiah. Especially Lytle ISD School Resource Officer Rick Valdez whose big plans made one little guy feel like a hero returning to his school.